🐈Get started on SudoCatBot

Download Telegram on your mobile device or desktop, create an account if you don’t have one and search SudoCatBot or use this Telegram link

once you get to the bot, you'll get a welcome description like the one below

Press start or type /start and you will be greeted by the following menu screen.

The first step to get started is to create or import a wallet from Phantom or Solflare, to do that click on the Wallet menu button.

Now from the result menu, you can either create a wallet or import a wallet, to create one press the "Create Wallet" button and input a valid wallet name (a name without spaces or special characters), once that's done, you get a Solana wallet generated for you by SudoCatBot

You can copy the wallet by tapping on the wallet address and fund it from your decentralized wallet, as explained here.

This wallet becomes your active wallet

Last updated